Based in Malmö, Sweden
Release date:
April 22 2021
Regular Price:
EUR | 15 |
About the Game
Hoplegs is a different kind of platformer about a moving box and four legs with unconventional controllers. Each of the four buttons on your gamepad where you usually jump, interact, crouch and change weapons are now your different legs. Master this unique way of controlling your character to navigate through a large variation of levels created by the developer or the community!
About the Developer
Back in February 2019 Kevin livestreamed and took a break from his main project at the time, created a small prototype and tweeted it before going to bed. “The morning after, the tweet had blown up in comparison to my other tweets. It was no question that this prototype had to become a full game on day.” says Kevin Andersson.
Since the game started during a livestream it felt natural to keep working on the project with an audience. The core of Hoplegs is focused on the unconventional way of controlling your character that's wrapped in a package filled with silliness and creativity. The community that grows every week around the game and the live stream provides fun and silly ideas that could eventually end up in the game.
- Build and share your levels with the community!
- A sweet single player story about a medieval moving box
- Friendship testing co-op levels!
- Compete against other players in the leaderboard!
- Customize your face, box and legs to make the most stylish moving box on the market.
- Party modes for up to 4 players!
Demo Trailer YouTube
Announcement Trailer YouTube
Logo & Icon
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Additional Links
About WhyKev
WhyKev is run solely by Kevin, who's been making games since 2009. He always tries to improve and learn as much as possible about game development.
More information
More information on WhyKev, our logo & relevant media are available here.
Hoplegs Credits
Kevin Andersson
Design, Art Direction & Programming
Nathan Ross
Music, Ambience & Sound Effects
Conny Nordlund
Key Art
Kevin's Twitter
WhyKev Twitter
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks