WhyKev is an independent game development studio in Sweden that aims to bring polished and personal games that leave lasting memories for the players.

WhyKev Games

PaperKlay is a 3D platformer collect-a-thon where you open, unfold and rotate your way through a world made out of cardboard, paper, clay and other handcrafted materials.

Wishlist now on Steam!

In Hoplegs you control a block with 4 legs to move around the level. Each button on your controller (or an assigned key on your keyboard) controls one of the 4 legs. Challenging - and fun!

Available on Steam and Nintendo Switch.

Explore a unique puzzle experience in your own pace. TaniNani is a puzzle game where you move parts of the level around to help the characters find the crystal and each other.

Available on Steam, iOS and Nintendo Switch.

Haccer is a fast arcade digging game where you avoid bomb explosions and dig further deeper down. Randomly generated levels for endless of fun and leaderboards for the top spot all around the world!

Available on iOS and Android.

Latest updates

Jun 12 2022

PaperKlay Announcement

Hello everyone! It’s been a long time since I posted but I’m now back with a new game! It’s called PaperKlay and you can find everything about it here. Thank you everyone for the support so far! Don’t forget to watch the trailer and wishlist the game.   All best, Kevin from WhyKev
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Aug 4 2021

Flexible approach to game development

During my vacation I started to think about how I make games and I noticed that there’s often a pattern. I looked back at older projects and saw where the majority of them “died” or got placed on a shelf. It was when I needed to find an art style, for some reason every project…
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Apr 9 2021

Viral video game ideas: How Hoplegs grew from a viral Tweet

What’s it like to go to wake up one morning and discover that your tiny seed of a game idea has gone viral on social media? That is exactly what happened to WhyKev’s CEO and Chief Developer, Kevin Andersson. In this article, Kevin Andersson, CEO and Chief Developer at WhyKev, tells the story of how…
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About the founder


WhyKev is an independent game studio founded by me, Kevin Andersson, in October 2019. Dedicated to bring polished and personal games that leaves lasting memories for the players.

I previously worked at Zoink as a Level Designer and later as a Producer for several games. After Zoink I co-founded Elden Pixels with the role as a programmer and worked on games for multiple platforms.

Now as a solo developer, the focus is working on games that feel personally fulfilling to me.